Busbys External Website Links
A good information site relating to Tenterden, sponsored by the Tenterden Chamber of Commerce. Our site and e-mails are hosted by Goldhosts. Clive Knowles from Goldhosts also assists us in maintaining the site. We thought we should feature this site of the Kent & East Sussex Railway as we took some photos of the line! We are fortunate to have this steam train service in Tenterden, maintained by dedicated enthusiasts. The Wealden Business Group is local business organisation, similar to BNI, with more services to choose from. They meet on a weekly basis in Tenterden. HM Revenue & Customs Includes information about the UK's customs and tax department and includes the prototype on-line VAT (Value Added Tax) returns system. Companies House The official UK government register of UK companies The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is here to promote opportunity and independence for all, help individuals achieve their potential